Meetings of the full Board of Medical Practice generally take place on the first Wednesday of each month, unless the first Wednesday falls on a state holiday. In that case, the meeting is held on the second Wednesday of the month. Most meetings are now held virtually using Microsoft Teams. The meetings are open to the public and information about how to attend over Microsoft Teams is provided on the agenda. Agendas are normally posted here by the Friday preceding the meeting. While the meetings are open to the public, certain portions of meetings may be held in executive session, in accordance with the Vermont Public Meeting law. During executive session members of the public are excluded from the meeting.
The dates below are provided for your convenience, but the Board cannot guarantee that meetings will take place on every date listed. Meetings are subject to cancellation due to adverse weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances.
If you would like to participate in a meeting and need accessible accommodations and/or would like to be provided online access by coming to the Waterbury State Office Complex, please contact the Board at [email protected] or (802) 657-4220 at least 24 hours before the start of the meeting.