Use the eLicense system to find public information about physicians, physician assistants, anesthesiologist assistants or radiologist assistants licensed in Vermont. Please be advised that the Public Address listed may not be the current Practice Location for the licensee. Information is...
HIV can be prevented, and the risk of infection greatly reduced, through changes in behaviors or taking actions that can interrupt transmission.
Today, people with HIV can live longer with this infection, with a better quality of life, than ever before.
Contacting a substance abuse counselor or program to get help can be hard, but it is a huge first step toward a healthier life. Treatment is effective!
Recovery from substance use disorder is a lifelong process. Throughout Vermont, there are services to support you in your recovery. People recover!
Health campaigns related to alcohol and other drug use. Resources for grantees and partners.
Low-income adults and those with mental health and substance use disorders have higher rates of tobacco use – and greater impacts on their health and quality of life.