Our staff works with community partners to implement policy and environmental strategies that prevent chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. We promote physical activity, access to nutritious foods, and healthy lifestyle choices. We participate in local efforts and provide assistance and grant management support in the following areas:

Worksite Wellness

We work to promote worksite wellness, which includes assistance with policy development regarding breastfeeding, tobacco use, physical activity and nutrition. We have helped create breastfeeding spaces, worksite policies on physical activity, healthy meeting and vending machine snacks, and employee smoking policies with local businesses. We can also connect worksites with resources, partners, and grant opportunities.

Community Group Support

We provide support to hospital-sponsored Community Health Teams, Care Collaboratives and other community-based groups, networking with a wide range of partners to identify gaps in services and promote available supports for people at-risk for or who are managing chronic illness.

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