We are available to help employers plan and start worksite wellness programs. Whether you’re thinking about starting a program or wish to strengthen your current program, we can help. Our staff will support your wellness team to assess your worksite, identify employee interests and barriers to wellness and move toward creating a wellness plan. We can help you begin with a narrow focus and broaden that focus as enthusiasm builds. We can also connect worksites with resources and partners.

Vermont Worksite Wellness Toolkit

In this toolkit you will find steps to design and sustain a wellness program that fits the size and culture of your organization. Our focus for wellness programs is on promoting physical and emotional health, reducing the major risk factors that lead to chronic disease - physical inactivity, poor nutrition, and tobacco use - and supporting preventative care and breastfeeding.

Getting Started with Creating a Healthier Workplace

When you are ready to get started we can help. Call Betsy at 802-863-7590.

Breastfeeding Friendly Employers

Family-friendly worksite policies make it easier to hire and keep employees. Women with children are the fastest-growing segment of the workforce. Employees who are breastfeeding need appropriate space and adequate time to support their breastfeeding.

3-4-50 Movement to Reduce Chronic Disease

3-4-50 means 3 behaviors – lack of physical activity, poor diet, and tobacco use – lead to 4 chronic diseases – cancer, heart disease and stroke, type 2 diabetes and lung disease – that are the cause of more than 50 percent of all deaths in Vermont. Learn about 3-4-50!

As part of the 3-4-50 movement, worksites are taking simple steps to make a big impact on the health of their communities. Your worksite can sign on, and commit at the bronze, silver or gold level. 

Local Highlights

Trudell Consulting Engineers in Williston has been growing their culture of wellness steadily for many years. Our work together began in 2013 when Trudell attended a workshop designed to guide companies through a newly revised Worksite Wellness Awards application. Since that time, they’ve expanded their worksite wellness offerings and achieved the highest standard of worksite wellness recognized by the Governor’s Council on Physical Activity and Sports.

The employees at Trudell have a company vegetable garden, have a private, attractive space for employees choosing to breastfeed, and they participate in many physical activities like hiking, cruising on segways and taking an exhilarating zip-line through the forest canopy. This company is a great example of the culture of wellness that can be created through an effective partnership with our office and an engaged, supportive management.

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