The Vermont Department of Health will be providing for blood tests for some people who may have been affected by PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) contamination of drinking water in Bennington and North Bennington, but have not been previously tested for PFOA levels in their blood.

If you have questions, call 802-447-6404 to speak with a public health nurse in the Health Department's Bennington Office.

The blood test cannot tell if a person’s exposure to PFOA will cause health problems in the future, or if a health problem was caused by PFOA, but it may help inform discussions with a person’s doctor about their health.

A person is eligible for the PFOA blood test if:

You did not already have your blood tested at a Health Department-sponsored clinic in 2016 and 2017, and either:

  1. The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation tested the well of a home in North Bennington/Bennington where you live now, or where you lived any time in the past 10 years.

    – or –

  2. You worked or lived at the former Chemfab/Saint-Gobain site at 940/1030 Water Street in North Bennington, or you work or live there now.


Registration is now closed.

Learn about PFOA in drinking water

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