child reaching onto top shelf

Safe Storage

There are quick and easy things you can do to make your home a safer place.

We want our homes to be a place of comfort and safety. Some of the things we might use at home, like medicines and cleaners, need to be thoughtfully stored so that everyone will be safe. Check out these reminders and resources to be sure you are storing things safely.

Firearm Safety

Firearm injury and deaths are public health concerns in Vermont

Most non-fatal firearm injuries in Vermont are unintentional. Storing firearms locked up and unloaded can prevent unintentional injuries and deaths, prevent people in crisis from using a family firearm for suicide, and be sure firearms cannot be stolen or misused by others. Safe storage is especially important if there are young children or teenagers in the home.

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Storing and Disposing of Prescription Drugs

Medications that are not properly stored in your home can be a risk to kids and pets who might accidentally ingest them. And, flushing medications or tossing them in the trash is a danger to our waterways and wildlife.

Another very important reason to be careful about how you store and dispose of prescriptions is that a common source for the misuse of pain medications is a relative or a friend. In fact, nearly half of the people who misused pain prescriptions obtained them from a relative or friend.

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Staying Safe in Your Home

Injuries, accidents and poisonings are common in homes. Take precautions to help prevent them from happening in your home and keep yourself and your family safe.

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person putting something into lockbox

Protect Youth and Pets from Cannabis

Cannabis affects children more strongly than adults. They are at higher risk for poisoning from cannabis, especially with edibles. Keep children safe by storing all cannabis products in a locked area. Cannabis should always be stored safely out of reach of dogs, cats and other animals. 

If you think a child may have consumed cannabis, call the local Poison Control Center at 800-222-1222. If you think a child needs immediate medical help, call 9-1-1.

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